16 September 2006

The NCAA Does the Right Thing

As a college football fan (Go Tech!), you often hear frustrating stories about the limits the NCAA puts on student-athletes.

But a story can up this week that just makes you feel good. Ray Ray McElrathbey, a 19 year old Clemson University football player, took custody of his 11 year old brother (Fahmarr) due to his parents inability to take care of him because of drugs and gambling issues. Both Ray Ray and Fahmarr had been in and out of the Foster care system due to their parents long-term addictions.

Just read this story.

I can't even imagine being 19, in college and with no car, and having to take care of an 11 year old sibling. What a special person Ray Ray is and how amazing are all of his teammates who have helped out transporting Fahmarr to school and back.

On Monday, the NCAA granted a special waiver to allow Ray Ray to receive some assistance in taking care of his brother. Now, university and coaching staff (and their wives) can transport Fahmarr, which was illegal under NCAA rules and Clemson University is setting up a trust for the brothers to help with basic living expenses.

It is nice to see things working out in this situation and that these brothers may acutally have a chance to make it in this world.

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