26 August 2005

God is laughing at me

So last week I used a few sick days to head over to Indy to visit friends and attend a fun Clay Aiken concert. I wasn't really sick, but I needed to burn a few sick days or else I would loose them. So, God in his infinite wisdom decided that if I was gonna use sick days when I am not really sick, why not actually make me really sick. Miserable cold, sinus headache kinda sick.

Thats right folks.... I am now really sick. Had to come home from work yesterday and I am home again today. Why has someone not invented the cure for the common cold? I mean it can't be harder than rocket science can it?

The worst part.... is that I leave tomorrow for another round of Clay concerts and frolicking with friends up in Boston and VT. I am using vacation-time for this trip cause I dont think tempting God any further is a good idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BWAH!!! I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you... well, except that you're not laughing.

Okay, I'm laughing with God.