21 August 2005

A Perfectly Fun Weekend ... in Indiana!

The Indiana State Fair, a Clay Aiken concert, shoe shopping, and a great 3-1/2 hour dinner at the Melting Pot with friends makes for a great long weekend.

Misc ramblings from this fun trip.....
  • Why does fair food have to taste sooo good, but be sooo bad for you? Funnelcake is my fav, but this past weekend I had a rather delicous ear of corn slathered in butter. Very tasty!
  • There are some very hawt police officers in Indiana.
  • Whats up with there being no Shoe Carnival store anywhere near where I live? Weekend shoe tally ... Shoe Carnival = 3, DSW = 0.
  • Cardboard cows are apparently much harder to tip than the real ones.
  • Why would anyone tell a famous singer that they stalked them at their hotel? Yes, some moron "fan" actually told Clay Aiken that she went to his hotel to look for him. Security to row 3 please!
  • I am not sure why I am obsessed with vintage t-shirts right now, but my collection grew by 4 this past weekend.
  • I wish US Air flight attendents wouldn't try so hard to be funny when making announcements on the airplane's PA system. Really! Dont quit your day job.
  • Tailgate parites in the parking lot of a Comfort Suites? Yeah, I dont understand that one either!

We must do this again next year.......


Anonymous said...

Oh, we WILL do this again next year. Count on it!

SC874 said...

For sure! I had too much fun!