25 May 2008

Holiday Weekend Ramblings

Why is it the older I get, the longer I need to recover from vacations? Ugh! A week after returning from Alaska and I am finally starting to feel normal and have caught up on my sleep. Thank goodness this is a long holiday weekend.

Of course, it is a shiny sunny weekend here and I am locked indoors with the blinds drawn. Not necessarily to catch up on sleep (which I did do), but on Thursday, I scratched my eye during the night (dummy me left my contacts in) and now bright lights and sun are actually causing my eye pain and to water up significantly. Brilliant! I've done this stupid move before and it usually takes a few days for the eye to heal up and then all is fine, but I would have to do this prior to a beautiful holiday weekend. Oh well, it does give me chance to catch up on photos.

Speaking of photos, I should have the first set from Alaska soon... hopefully tomorrow. As you know I had to rent a Canon lens cause mine is still in the shop. I rented a Canon 100-400 zoom lens and I was thrilled with it while on the cruise. It made a significant difference in trying to get all those wonderful animals along the shore. I am now saving my pennies to buy one of these lenses.

Finally, wanted to fill you all in on the diet. I haven't mentioned it in a while, but I am still working on eating healthier and working out. The past vacations and returning from Japan kinda screwed with my routine & habits, so things were a little slow going for about 6 weeks. However, I am now back on the wagon and back to the good routine & habits. Overall, I have lost 34 pounds since the beginning of the year and dropped about 2 clothes sizes. YAY! I still got a long way to go, but I am very happy with how well I have done so far and how much better I feel overall.

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