04 February 2008

Janet is.....

Enjoying: The fun that was Superbowl Sunday. I didn't really care who won the game, but I was thrilled it was close and exciting. Bravo to the Giants for a great game and bravo to Eli Manning for stepping out of his big bro's shadow.

I hosted a party for the game and we had a great time grilling out on the deck, socializing, and cheering on the game. And I actually had guests who helped me clean up before they left. How nice is that?!!

Replacing: My trusty old Foodsaver Vacuum Sealer finally bit it and went to the 'ol kitchen appliance heaven in the sky. Poor thing just couldn't hold its seal anymore. But since I LOVE my vacuum sealer and save so much money in keeping food unspoiled (especially cheese), I went out and bought a new Foodsaver unit.

Traveling: Next week, I am headed to Miami, FL for a two-week business trip. Miami in February! Rough, I know. I am looking forward to the training class as I think it will be a great learning opportunity, but I am also looking forward to a few of the off-work hours activities. I am taking my camera and hope to spend some time in the Everglades National Park and maybe the Florida Keys.

Hoping: I have always wanted to see a Space Shuttle launch live and in person. To see the shuttle clear the tower and hear and feel the roar of the rockets as they lift the Shuttle into Space would be awesome. Unfortunately, I arrive in Florida 3 days to late, so here's hoping that the Shuttle launch gets delayed until Feb 10th (shuttle is set to launch on Feb 7th @ 2:45pm). Hey NASA, a launch anytime on Sunday the 10th would be best for me, so pleasepleaseplease delay until then. :-) If NASA can't accomodate me, then my co-worker and I still plan on heading up to Kennedy Space Center for a tour of the facility.

Purchasing: I have been using my old trusty iPod during workouts for a while now and have found it to be just so big and bulky. It's way to big to clip onto the workout gear and I certainly don't need the 2,000 plus songs the large iPod holds. So I visited the always fun Apple Store and got myself this cute little iPod Shuffle. It perfectly holds my workout playlist and weighs next to nothing. I also got an armband and some new earphones that actually may stay in my midget sized ears. I also spent a few minutes drooling over the MacBook Air.... *sigh*.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad your party went well. Things were a little sad in New England.

Have fun in Miami. You'll be back before I go, right?