19 December 2007

O Tannenbaum

I'm weird. I know most of y'all already know this about me, but I bet you didn't know I have a weird Christmas Tree fetish. Hee.

I like Christmas tress. I have a Christmas tree in every room of my house with the exception of the laundry room. But I don't have normal green trees, I have funky & colorful trees.
Above is the tree I have in my bedroom. It is made of white feathers and has lighthouse ornaments all over it (to match my lighthouse decorated bedroom).
Above is the bright gold tree I have in my spare bathroom. It has Georgia Tech & Buzz ornaments on it. I love this tree!!! I am still looking for an appropriate GA Tech tree topper for this tree.
Next is the shimmering multi-colored fiber-optic lighted silver tree in my kitchen. Decorations are simple blue-hued glass balls cause the highlight of this tree is the fiber-optic lights. Awesome!!!
Above is the tree I have in my master bathroom. It is lime green (w/ green lights) and has handmade swirly patterned ornaments on it to match the swirly patterns in my bath.
And finally, this is my tree in my living room. It has African decorations on it as well as African animal print boxes below it. Plus, I took a throw blanket I had and used it as a tree skirt.
And these are my awesome Baobob trees from Africa all decorated up in the holiday spirit. I forgot to take a photo of the tree in my spare bedroom, but be assured that it is also decorated up to match the US Southwest/Mexican theme of my spare bedroom (compete with little pepper ornaments).

And finally..... A while back I had asked for suggestions for photos for my mantle. After taking into consideration all the feedback that everyone provided, I realized I just couldn't make a decision on any of my African photos. So, I went another route as you can see below.....
I bought three African made baskets from one of my favorite stores, 10,000 Villages, and hung them over the mantle. I like the end result and got a lot of compliments at my party this past Saturday. The track lighting in the living room is also new.

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