06 October 2007

What's On Janet's TiVo - Round 2

Week #2 & 3 of TV premieres are now pretty much over so it is time to check in on the new shows....

First up,
Bionic Woman on NBC. It was ok. It wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible either. I liked Katie Sackhoff (from Battlestar Gallactica) as the 1st evil Bionic Woman and the action sequences are certainly fast paced and entertaining. Will keep watching for now. The 2nd week of this show is still sitting on my TiVo unwatched, so I am not sure what that says.

Next up was another NBC show,
Life, a crime drama about an ex-cop wrongfully jailed for 12 years and then released. He goes back to being a cop for some reason and freaks his new partner out with his zen-like attitude. This show is OK. The head guy is quirky, but I am not sure we need yet another crime drama. Again, the 2nd week of this show is still sitting on my TiVo unwatched.

ABC's Dirty, Sexy, Money comes next and is yet another soap-ish drama about rich New Yorkers, this one not so overtly focused on the teenage set. The show is about the uber-rich and uber-dysfunctional Darling family and their normal family lawyer played by the uber-cool Peter Krause. The thing that will save this show is that despite being a drama, it's characters are quite over the top in their dysfunctional-ness. They are quirky and funny and this is a show that doesn't take itself too seriously. Unfortunately, my TiVo (or my control of it) brain farted and somehow I missed recoding the 2nd week of this show, which I was bummed about.

Carpoolers wasn't that good. As much as I love Jerry O'Connell, I didn't find this show funny or engaging. It's already gone from the TiVo.

Pushing Daisies was interesting as the main character can bring dead folks back to life by touching him, but if he touches them again, they are permanently dead. A very quirky crime drama/comedy and unlike anything on TV. I will definitely be watching this again.

I did catch the Moonlight and Cane premiers, but neither are worth further watching.

All that is left is Sunday's CW family show,
Life is Wild where a NYC family up and moves to Africa. I'm watching it simply for the Africa part of the show.

As for shows I was already watching....

My favorite show, Supernatural finally premiered this Thursday and did good despite its location in the toughest time slot in TV (Thursday @ 9pm). The brothers Winchester are as pretty as ever and the show looks to be quite kick-ass this season. I only wish more people tuned in to this hidden gem of a show.

Criminal Minds is good as always, but Mandy Patankin is leaving???? Wha?!?!? I guess I will see what the dynamics of the show are like without him and/or with whoever replaces him.

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