26 September 2007

What's On Janet's TiVo - Round 1

I have watched the first batch of new shows and so far.... eh. It's been OK.

First up is K-Ville An interesting concept with two cops working in the post-Katrina New Orleans. It is your typical buddy-cop crime drama, and I just don't think it will hold much interest after about 5 shows. Anthony Anderson just doesn't resonate as a passionate cop determined to rebuild New Orleans and Cole Hauser, although rather hunky, is just not believable as a con who escapes jail during Katrina and turns his life around and becomes a cop. Huh? Yeah.... me neither! Update: I TiVo'd the second episode this Monday, however, I have watch several other Monday & Tuesday shows first and it is still sitting on my TiVo unwatched. Things are not looking good for this shows continued life on my TiVo or otherwise (last weeks decent ratings significantly dipped in its 2nd week).

Next up is Gossip Girl on the CW is brought to us from the creator of The O.C. It's basically the O.C. moves to NYC. Whiny & troubled rich kids in Orange County who attended their parent's lavish parties (and who at least had a sense of humor) are now whiny & troubled rich kids who throw lavish parties themselves and guzzle down martinis. Wuh? I don't feel a lot of sympathy for most of these kids. Apparently Gossip Girl was a popular book series, but the jury is still out on this show for me. I'll give it another week or so, but it doesn't look promising as a new addition to my TiVo Season Pass. Update: Ratings for this much hyped and promoted show were rather disappointing, especially on the CW.

Kid Nation on CBS was next on the TiVo. I grew up reading Lord of the Flies, a book about a group of kids stranded on an island and their attempt, and ultimate failure, at creating social order. So, a TV show about 40 kids "stranded" in some old western town in New Mexico sounds like an interesting social experiment. At first look, it is indeed interesting to see these kids, 8-15 years old, work through things like cooking and how to hold a meeting without talking all over each other, but with the competitions and rewards and phone calls home, it may turn out to be more like a kid version of Survivor. Update: Ratings were considered "modest".

Chuck was a fun show about a cute computer nerd who suddenly finds his brain filled with the nations secrets. He also finds himself with a cute agent girl and the target of others. Kinda a Beauty & the Geek meets Alias. Chuck's sidekick Morgan was hilarious and the take-of on Best Buy's Geek Squad (Nerd Herd) is humerous. This show has potential, but I worry about shows like this become redundant; bumbling Chuck stumbles onto some national crisis and he and his super agent girl save the world. It's on my TiVo for now. Update: Ratings were "disappointing", but it had tough competition with Dancing with the Stars.

Journeyman was much better than I thought it would be. Rome's Kevin McKidd play Dan, a married man who unexpectedly finds himself time-traveling back into the past to right certain wrongs. His wife is understandably upset when Dan disappears for days at end and how do you explain that? Still some holes as to why Dan is suddenly time traveling, but he does run into his long dead former wife while back in time, which adds some intrigue to the mystery. Will stay on my TiVo for a while longer. Update: Rating were not that great for this show, espeically compared to last years Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.

Reaper was also better than I thought it would be. Sam finds out on his 21st birthday that his parents sold his sole to the devil long before he was even born. Very funny concept, and Ray Wise as the Devil is genius casting. Tyler Labine plays Sam's friend Bert and is the typical "that guy" and he really steal the show with his charaters antics and lines. Though billed as a comedy, I was glad to see a touch of seriousness here and there, but I hope they don't go overboard with the drama part and stick with the comedy aspects. Update: Ratings were ok for the CW but certainly nothing to write home about.

As for shows that I do watch regularly, I caught the 2nd season opener of Heros. Still good, but I should have Netflixed the first season and caught up a bit cause I got confused at times during the show. I guess I purged some of last season's plot out of mind over the summer.

Prison Break may be quickly falling off my "occansionally watch" list of shows. I haven't had the desire to watch the 2nd week's show thats been sitting on my TiVo since Monday.

Survivor has started out ok. They are in a very wet China this time around. Too soon to tell if this season will be good or bad.

And I need to update my list after I realized I forgot a few shows (additions marked in purple):

First, here is what is currently on my TiVo Season Pass....
1) Supernatural - my guilty pleasure.
2) Heros - who doesn't have this on their season pass?
3) 24 - Jack rocks, even if he is a bit ethically & morally challenged.
4) Top Chef/Hell's Kitchen/Iron Chef - Love the cooking shows

Shows I watch occasionally, but only if I am home with nothing else to do.
1) Prison Break - Enjoyable if you can get past the HUGE plot holes, but I watch 24, so I can do that.
2) Criminal Minds - I'm so over most crime dramas, but I still enjoy this show.
3) Survivor - entirely depends on casting each season....some are good, others aren't.
4) The Amazing Race - see Survivor
5) Jericho - Fun, but I mostly watch for Skeet. Yum!
6) House - Love Hugh Laurie, but I can only take this show in small doses.

New shows I plan on watching at least once....stay tuned...Will they make my Season Pass?
1) K-Ville - Cops & Crime in New Orleans
2) Gossip Girl - The O.C. moves to NYC.
3) Kid Nation - An interesting concept. Did you ever read Lord of the Flies?
4) Chuck - Who doesn't love a geeky cute guy.
5) Journeyman - Looks interesting
6) Reaper - Comedy about parents selling their kids sole to the devil.
7) Bionic Woman - Since I practically am one myself with 2 joint replacements....
8) Life - Wrongfully accused cop goes to jail & then is set free.
9) Dirty Sexy Money - The O.C. in NYC grows up
10) Carpoolers - I have always been a Jerry O'Connell fan so I will give this comedy a shot.
11) Pushing Daisies - Probably the show I am most looking forward to.
12) Kitchen Nightmares - Gorden Ramsey trades in newbie chefs for nasty restraunts.
13) Life is Wild - NYC family up and moves to Africa.

New shows I won't even try:
1) Private Practice - HATE Grey's Anatomy (over-rated) so I don't think I will even try this spin off.
2) Cane - Never been a Jimmy Smits fan.
3) Moonlight - Um... I don't even know what this is about.
4) Big Shots - A male version of Desperate Housewives. Yuck!
5) All the half hour comedies


Joy said...

"Update: Rating were not that great for this show, espeically compared to last years Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip."
There's a phrase you don't want said about your new show!

April said...

I thought Chuck was pretty good. The director McG was the director of the Charlie's Angels movies which explains the frenetic action sequences. It's kind of a cute fish-out-of-water show but the writing was good and I like to see geeks portrayed in a positive light (you know, being one myself). We'll see if they can keep it fresh.