24 September 2007

Janet's Mantel - Part 2

Thanks for all your comments, and if you still want to vote, scroll down to the next post and read.

So, based on the comments so far, specifically the fact that my living room may be starting to resemble an African museum I made a few changes this weekend. I see now that maybe I have an overload of African items on the mantel and a african animal photo may be overloading an already overloaded situation.

I have moved the zebra mask and the two baskets hung on the mantel to other walls in the living room. Spread things out a bit. I also bought some wheat-like fake foliage to put into the black vase to add more height & color. Hopefully that eases up on the "african museum" feel a bit.

I like the possiblity of the photo collage that Jane mentioned in the comments section, but the spot there above the mantel is not large, so at most, four 8x10 photos would fit there. But that also means selecting 4 photos which is only slightly better than trying to select one. So, I tried out some photoshoping to see what it would look like with one photo or four 9 (I also photoshopped out the zebra mask & baskets). So the photos here are my mantle area with one single large photo and the other is with 4 smaller 8x10-ish photos. I am still figuring out which photo(s) to use, so I just picked random ones here for example. Whatever photo I choose, I want to try and match the wood from the fire place to the frame(s) for the photos.

So, what do y'all think? One or four photos......

Leave a comment and let me know what you think.


Joy said...

I said exhibit, not museum. :) I can just imagine you having to re-do your living room when you come home from Japan with an all Japanese theme.

Here's a thought if you want to do the collage. The four photos don't really look good (those four photos don't work well together). Instead what about 8 smaller square frames?

What about something like this:
(it comes in many different sizes)

Repetition is good - it makes a strong visual statement.

I still like the single picture

Anonymous said...

Nice comparisons! I think the single large image on the left really focuses the "WOW!" factor of your place. The collage with the book shelf on the left and beautiful view on the right seems to compete for the eyes. That's just my humble first impression opinion.