16 April 2007

Garden Gnome

Wow, where did that last week go? Things are picking up with only 16 more days till Africa! I have this big 'ol pile of stuff on my spare bedroom bed ready to be packed up and on its way to Africa. Of course, I have been through several iterations of bags, duffle bags, and camera bags trying to figure out the best combination to take with me.

I spent the weekend gardening. Shock I know! Most of you who know me probably don't consider me the gardening type, but with my fancy new deck, I wanted to make it nice and somewhat livable. I had this great deck in NYC, but never really got the chance to turn it into a nice livable space. So, I was determined to make my new deck here in Seattle nice and useable.

The new grill, deck chairs and table were bought last week (a big thanks to Lori for helping move all that heavy stuff). This weekend, I bought flowers and planters and put all those together. Some poppies and daisies (my fav) and some other pretty flowers I can't even pronounce were all put into these great planters that hang from my deck railing. Add in some beautiful hanging fushia plants, and a quick vaccum of the deck (yes, I vaccumed my deck!) and it is all ready for entertaining.

I have pictures of the deck, but I can't seem to get my card reader to work right now. I will try to post some photos later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH NO!! That's not the African card reader malfunctioning??? I bet the deck is fabulous, can't wait to see it, and have a bar-b-que out there with the mountains as the backdrop! Come oooooonnnnnnnnn summer--