06 July 2006

Post Holiday Musings

So, the weather kinda sucked for the fireworks. Very, very hot and hazy. So much haze, you could barely see the lights on the building's in midtown Manhatten. So, no good fireworks photos. *sniff*

I did however finish the flooring in my bedroom on Tuesday. YAY! I only have a few minor molding items to finish up, but the LR and bedroom are done and I never want to see another floor panel in my life.

I took a hot tub soak both Tuesday and Wednesday nights which seemed to help my poor tired, aching body. That and lots and lots of Advil. :-)

This weekend is painting. Finish painting the spare bedroom and some touch ups in the other rooms. After that, the place should be ready for selling. Lets hope all this work pays off with a quick sale for a good price.

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